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20-Century British Medium



On September 4, 1969, Ena Twigg, her husband, Harry, and canon John Pearce-Higgins sat in the living-room of her home and suddenly a discarnate voice asked her to switch on a tape recorder. The spirit voice belonged to a missing Bishop, James D. Pike, who had been reported lost somewhere in the Palestinian desert.

At the time of contact, and unknown to anyone on earth, the bishop had already been 'dead' for twenty-four hours, a fact which was subsequently verified. The transcript of Bishop Pike's evidence of survival is presented in Ena's autobiography, Ena Twigg: Medium.

Ena was born just before the First World War; and in childhood she had numerous confrontations with what she called the "misty people" who were visible only to her.

Her visions and voices, which she heard over her left shoulder, also made some notable predictions. They foretold the death of her father and of her husband's safe return from combat in World War II - and both predictions were fulfilled.

In her life story Ena provides much evidence of an afterlife and of reincarnation.

Critics of mediums often claim that the clergy are firmly set against the practice of mediumship, but this is not the case in many instances. The foreword to Ena's autobiography is written by The Right Reverend Mervyn Stockwood, Lord Bishop of Southwark Cathedral, and in it he writes:

"If we were to take psychic studies seriously, we would learn to appreciate that our experience in this world is not the consummation; instead we live now sub specie aeternitatis. There are other worlds and dimensions, and this should be taught in our schools as part of our general education."

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Ruth Hagy Brod, the co-writer of Ena's autobiography, quotes many examples of the medium's work, such as:

A Mrs Serafina Clarke consulted Ena Twigg, who then contacted this sitter's grandmother, who said to her granddaughter:

'Tell your mother she didn't fool me one bit. There is nothing wrong with the tombstone, but I'm not there - nobody is.'

Mrs Clarke confronted her mother about her 'dead' grandmother's statements and this is what she reported:

'Granny was right. She was not in the grave under the tombstone marked with her name and date of birth and death. Granny had died in the war and Mother had had her cremated.

When the war was over, Mother's brother (who had been living in Africa) decided to come home for a visit and he wanted to see "Mama's grave".

Well, my mother was in a panic because she had never told him that his mother had been cremated, so she rushed down to the village, got a stonecutter, and added her mother's name and all the rest to the tombstone.

It was really very funny that we found out about this through Mrs Twigg. I had never known a thing about it before.'




Ena Twigg: Medium,  is co-written with Ruth Hagy Brod