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Harry Edwards
(29th May 1893 - 7th December 1976)

A Tribute to

The Spiritual Healer

One of the World's Gifted Healing Mediums

Harry Edwards was one of the world's prolific spiritual healers who demonstrated his gift in many large public halls in Britain, including the Royal Albert Hall in London, and also in venues in other countries for decades.

In 1947 he founded The Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary, a registered charity in Guildford, Surrey, England; and its work continues to the present day. He was also the founder/president of the (NFSH) National Federation of Spiritual Healers which was formed in 1955.

Through both the quality of his healing work and the persistence that he showed in challenging the medical profession to accept the veracity of spiritual healing, he was largely responsible for registered healers gaining permission to treat their patients in hospitals today.

Harry Edwards remains an exemplar to the many thousands of acolytes wishing to practise the art of spiritual healing in the 21st-Century.

Harry Edwards led a life of dedicated service and the results of his work astonished some of the most sceptical of medical men; and his many books on how to practise and understand the processes of spritual healing make educational reading and are thought of as essential textbooks for all healers-in-training.

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Harry often invited doctors and specialists to share the platform with him and they were asked to place their hands under his - and in this way they witnessed first-hand the "miraculous" straightening of spinal curvatures. At his larger public meetings, deaf people regained their hearing, and many crippled people were cured and afterwards walked home unaided.

Harry Edwards delivers spiritual healing to correct a painful arthritic condition.

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Note how the patient's hands are deformed; but after this healing session, this man shook Harry's hand without feeling the slightest pain.

Harry Edwards provided to the British Medical Association and to the Orthodox Church details of his case-histories containing medical evidence of his spiritual healing cures, but both of these organisations dismissed many of his reports without making full and unbiased investigations into his claims.to purchase

Many of Harry Edwards's books on spiritual healing, its understanding, theory and safe practice are still in print today.


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My thanks to Stephen O'Brien for hosting this educational site'