
Clairaudient Medium

Passed Over in September 1967, aged 74 years

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Helen Hughes had strong links with the North-east of England, and in particular with the Spiritualist Church in Seaham Harbour, where the original of the above photograph hung on its walls.

Helen Hughes conducted many propaganda meetings around the British Isles, in modern times when mediumship was still subject to the outdated Witchcraft and Vagrancy Act (1735).

Helen Hughes's public mediumship and private seances - during which she was sometimes directly entranced by her sitters' loved ones - were hailed by many as of the highest calibre, and the genuineness of her gifts was never disputed. Verbatim records of her spirit messages make fascinating reading.

Along with Estelle Roberts and a few other notable mediums of the mid-twentieth century, such as the trance medium Lillian Bailey, she commanded the stage at large halls and conference centres across the length and breadth of the UK.

Maurice Barbanell, the Founder Editor of Psychic News, wrote that the spirit people who communicated with Helen Hughes often referred to her as "Helen the Beloved".

Of her clairaudient abilities, Helen said, 'I hear quite naturally, as though I were using the ordinary ear. The voices sound quite normal. I can tell if it is the voice of a man, woman, or child - or if it is a loud voice or a quiet one. Listening to the voices enables me to give the names, facts and details that provide the evidence.'

The medium said she heard her spirit voices 'in my ears, or in the region of my solar-plexus . . . and they vary in clarity.'

Here are some verbatim snippets of Helen Hughes's clairaudiently-received messages, which she delivered in the late 1930s:

Pointing to a woman in the auditorium:
Helen: Is your name Nellie?
Recipient: Yes
Helen: Well, then, you knew a Mr Bramwell; and I have to tell you that Mr Bramwell is here and he's brought Harry and Mrs Wilson. She says she's all right now, and thanks you for what you did for her. She suffered from a weak heart. She tells me that your name is Boynton.
Recipient: Correct.

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For another recipient, Helen Hughes received a message "from someone called Eva, who was a musician." She then singled out a woman in the crowd and added: "You are Eva's mother. She played the piano; and she had a companion, Elsie, who has also passed over. Her full name is Eva Huxley."
Recipient: Yes

Helen: (pointing to a woman in the circle) There is a Mrs Richardson in the gallery. I get the name Jimmie Richardson. He worked in an office by himself. He brings Robert and Lizzie, and also Mary Bewick. He tells me that your godmother was Mary McIntyre, and that she was in some way connected with an off-licence for the sale of beer when you were fourteen to seventeen years of age.
Recipient: Quite right!



In a private consultation which was attended by a Mr Hogg and his family, all of whom were perfect strangers to the medium, Helen delivered the following clairaudiently-received information:

Pointing to Mr Hogg she said, 'There is a young airman here. You are his Dad.' Turning to Mr Hogg's son-in-law she added, 'This boy calls you Ian, and he calls himself Douglas.'

And to the two girls who were present she announced, 'And you are his sisters, Isobel and Mary.'

Each name and tie-of-relationship was perfectly correct.


Further reading:

The Mediumship of Helen Hughes, by Bernard Upton (1945)